Saturday, May 7, 2011

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cheap dedicated server Webhosting For Newbies - The Difference of shared, reseller, VPS and dedicated hosting + Plus Bonus

\"Discover How To Finally Get a Webhosting Account and Work Your Way Around It Without Any Hassles...\"You\'ll Finally Be Able To Host Your Web Pages, Images, Blogs or Whatever You Had Wished For...Inside you\'ll discover things like...# Exactly what to look for in a webhost -- miss these details and you might end up signing up for a bad webhosting company. # What is shared, reseller, VPS and dedicated hosting and their differences. You\'ll find out which one you\'ll need. # Working and using cPanel. This quick guide will short-cut your w ay around using cPanel. # Got your domain name, got your webhosting account? Now how do you link them together? Follow these step-by-step instructions. # How to get your website up and running. Where to get absolutely free FTP software (no 30 day trial), and upload your files to your web server -- full screenshots provided.